Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Montepulciano Wine Tour Addendum

I am writing this while we are awake at 430 am following the World Series and loving what is going on with the game.
Today's wine tour went well. I loved the first winery and appreciated all the family and winemaking tradition involved in making their Nobile di Montepulciano wine. It was a treat traveling by car on the smaller hill town roads we took to get to the wineries. The ride back on the autostrada was a bit nerve wracking. We were FLYING.....passing trucks like they were not even moving! Good thing I had some wine to relax me.

For our dinner plans, we decided to give our livers and arteries a rest and have a light meal back at the apartment. As we were walking back and planning a stop for food pick up, an unfortunate event occurred that quickly changed my plans. As I was walking down a narrow street in the dark, an unknown liquid substance came pouring down from a window or deck above me and hit me in the head! Good thing we were close to the apartment. Mark ended up doing the shopping while I took my second shower and hairwash for the day.

Off to Arezzo tomorrow morning to visit Irene.

Giants just scored again in the 8th inning of game one making it 11 to 4!

Ciao for now.


  1. Wow, Judy, good thing your sisters and cousin weren't with you -- we'd have been doubled over with laughter....

  2. Yes, I can imagine Sheila. Mark got a pretty good laugh out of the dance I did when it happened. Amazing game last night. I was up in bed getting updates from Mark and then came down to watch it when all the action began. Getting ready to explore Fiesole and Florence today. We leave for Rome tomorrow an will start to attend all of Mark's conference stuff.
